Saturday, October 13, 2007

Shoot High, Aim Low

A colleague was complaining on how hard it is for him to look for a girlfriend.
So I ask, "What are you looking for in a woman?"
And without hesitation he answered "Not much just as long as she looks like this" and shoved me a picture of Jennifer Aniston.
I looked at him square in the face.
I was waiting for "Nah! I just want someone honest, have a beautiful soul bla bla bla" which never came.
Obviously he was serious about looking for someone who looks like Jennifer Aniston.
The problem with men is that they look for someone that looks like Jennifer Aniston without realising that they don't look like Brad Pitt.
I'm not saying you can't dream big. You can.
But really, if you keep dissing every decent girl that comes your way just because they don't look like Jennifer Aniston is just down right stupid.
I have a feeling that he'll grow old a bachelor.

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